Department of «Higher Mathematics»
RAHMONOV Kholiknazar Bokievich,
head of the Department higher mathematics,candidate of physical and mathematical Sciences, associate Professor
In 1931 established the Department of Mathematics, includes the following items;mathematics,physics,meteorology,agrometeorology,surveying,mechanics, descriptive geometry. Staff department in year education consisted of two professors and two teachers. In 1932 in this department divided the department of mathematics which in September 1975 was divided in two department; ’’Higher mathematics’’ and ‘’Drawing and descriptive geometry’’.
The first chief department was assosiate professor Jacobson L.B.(1931-33). Rakhmonov H.B. from 2019 till present is the head of department.
The teachers of department under the direction of Head of the Department professor Rakhmonov H.B. conduct scientific research work on’’Some problems of the dynamics of solid objects’’ and they start with reports at conferences and publish their theses and articles in magazines.
On the results of their research defended a dissertation for the degree candidate of physical and mathematical sciences; Boboeva B.K. (1966), Burhonov Z.(1986), Abdulloev A.(1987), Abdujaborov A.(1989), Rakhmonov H.B.(1990), Soibov D.A.(1992).
The teachers of department published more than 250 scientific articles, thesises, textbooks and others.
In the chair there are more than 500 books and methodical books which teachers and students of university may use them.