MAHMADYORZODA Usmon Mamur Rector professor, doctor of agriculture science.
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BOBOZODA Sharif Qanoatsho
Vice-rector of academic works, professorcandidate of economy science.
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Vice-rector of scientific affairs,assistant professor, candidate of veterinary science
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QURBONZODA Barno Abdugani
Vice-rector in flammatory work, assistant professor, candidate of agriculture science
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SAMANDARZODA Iskandar Husein
Vice-rector of international affair, professor, doctor of economical science
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JAMSHEDZODA Khusrav Jamshed
Vice-rector Deputy on Economics E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
NEMATULLOEV Sohirsho Saidakramovich
The dean of agribusiness faculty,candidate of agriculture science
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BOYMURODOV Ruzimurod Bobokalonovich, The dean of agronomy faculty,assistant professor, candidate of agriculture science.
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BURIZODA Khurshed Buri
The dean of an accounting and finance faculty,сandidate of political sciences
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SAIDZODA Nahtullo Said
The dean of faculty of horticulture and biotechnology of agriculture,assistant professor, candidate of biological science.
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SATTORI Shahriyor Jabor The dean of hydromeliorationfaculty,candidate of technical sciences.
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JURABEKOZODA Abdujabbor Jurabeg
The dean of zoo-engineering faculty,assistant professor, the doctor of agriculture science.
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OLIMOV Aloviddin Khairulloevich
The dean of economy faculty,assistant professor, candidate of economy science.
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SAIDMURODZOD Jovid Jabbori The dean of land management faculty,assistant professor, candidate of economy science
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MIRZOZODA Shamsullo Izat
The dean of mechanization of agriculture faculty,candidate of technical sciences.
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RAKHIMOV Firuz Fayzalievich,
The dean of Veterinary, assistant professor, candidate of veterinary science
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