Department for the organization of scientific activity of students

The scientific community of university students is educated in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan on Education. The scientific activities of university students envisage attracting students to research projects with subsequent training for various branches of the agro-industrial complex with professional knowledge.

The Tajik Agrarian University named after S. Shotemur makes a great contribution to the preparation of highly qualified personnel for the agricultural sector. Students are taught by experienced teachers and scholars of the republic. Attracting students to research work and their participation in high school and republican conferences is one of the main tasks of the university. In addition, the task of the university includes the holding of annual scientific and practical conferences of students, where up to 9,500 students take part.

Scientific circles are created at the departments of the university in various areas of students' specialties; they carry out scientific work on selected topics. Scientific work is under the strict control of the department of science and innovation of the university, and the results of its activities are discussed annually. In addition, scientific research work is discussed and evaluated at meetings of these scientific circles.

Currently, the management of the department of regulation of scientific activity of students is entrusted to Aminova G. where conferences, round tables, seminars, various contests and competitions are systematically held.

In all departments of the university there are circles in accordance with the specialties, where about five hundred students participate in scientific research. The management of specialized circles is entrusted to the heads of departments, professors of the university. Currently, the university has 50 professorial scientific schools of the following direction: ″ Technology and equipment for irrigation of agricultural crops ″; ″ Managing the use and protection of water resources ″; "Agriculture"; "Geodesy"; ″ Improving agricultural machinery ″; ″ Ways to provide equipment ″; ″ Civilization culture «Sustainable development of the agricultural sector».