Department cotton growing, genetics, breeding and seed
SUYAROVA Sarvinoz Jumaevna,
head of the "Cotton, genetics, selection and seed production” Chair
The Department has been operating since 1965. The first head of department was Nagibin Ya.D. The department conducted research and teaching activities of teachers such as: Kasymov J.K., Dzhumankulov H.J., Mansurov N.I., Khaydarov E.H., Makhmudov R.M., Islomov I.I., Holmatov A., Krasyuk G.P., Mousavi U.A., Muhiddinov N.M.
Later, the department expanded its contribution to the education and training of students have teachers: Savlatov S., Samandarov M., Mahmudjonov M. Sadriddinov S., Sodikova A., Kayumov G., Karimov A., Domyshlinets G., Isakova L.S., Jaborov H., Rasulov S., Makhbubov M., Saidov S.T., Tukhtaev Y. F., Rasulov B.R., Khaydarov Z., Hafizov A.A. Burhonov KH. At present, the department headed by the candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor Suyarova S.J.
Currently, teachers of the department teaches on 12 subjects for students of faculties: аgronomy, agribusiness, horticulture and agricultural biotechnology, hydromeliorative. The Department is proud of experienced teachers, among them: professors Saidzoda S.T., Ismoilov M.I., associate professors: Haydarov Z., Kosumbekova F.A. They are not only an example, but and mentors for young researchers and assistants: Mamеdova Sh, Sadirova S.S., Kholov B., Qurbonov U.A. Safarov H.
The main scientific directions of the department - the creation of new varieties and promising starting material for breeding new varieties of cotton. The Department of educational-methodical work and research has connections with many research institutes and departments of institutions of higher education with the countries both near and far abroad.
The Department trains specialists in breeding and genetics of agricultural crops. Teachers of the department are general courses on genetics, breeding and seed production in other specialties Agronomy Faculty. In recent years, teachers published: 7-manuals, 8 teaching aids, more than 160 scientific articles. Scientists of the Department published 3 monographs.
The department is well placed research work. Scientists of the department bred and recognized varieties of cotton, such as: Hissor, Sughd-2, Hulbuk, wheat 3000 years of Hissor, Mohinav, triticale variety Yusuf. According to the results of research work, the scientists of the Department obtained 2 patents and 7 certificates.
A new variety of triticale "Avesta" will be sent for testing to the State Commission for Variety Testing and Plant Protection. Teaching staff of the department are constantly looking for ways to improve the quality of students' knowledge, strengthen communication of the theory and science with production. The staff of the Department attaches great importance to educational-methodical and scientific work as an important factor in raising student performance in the disciplines of the department.