Department of "Economics of AIC"

Ismoilov I

ISMOILOV Ismatullo Makhsatulloevich,
head of Department the Economics of AIC, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

The department was organized in 1966. During the activity the department was headed by: Associate Professor Akhtamov Kh.A. (1966 1975); Anvarov M.K. (1976 1979); Kodirov D.K. (1979 1980); Kovalev V.K. (1980 1981); Rakhmonov A.R. (1982 1998); Sharofov U.Sh. (1998 2015), Associate Professor Mirzoev B.(2015-2020) . From February 2020 to the present, the department is headed by Ismoilov I.M.

In the year of education, the department consisted of 5 teachers. To date, the department employs highly qualified teachers, among them: Professor Pirisoda J.S. (since 2015), associate professors: Karomatoleva R.S. (since 1971), Sharofov U.Sh. (since 1974), Mirzoev B. (since 2007), Bobozoda Sh.K. (since 2003); senior lecturers: Rakhimov S.D. (since 2006), Azamova Z.I. (since 2007), Tolibov R.Sh. (since 2008), Ismoilov I.M. (since 2010), assistants: Pirnazarov Sh.M. (since 2010), Rasulova Z.O. (since 2019), Akramova M. (since 2019), Ismoilov V.A. (since 2019), Muhammadiqboli H. (since 2020), Sheraliev L.N.(since 2021), Munavara A. (since2020).

Ismoilov kaf

The department has made a significant contribution to the training of scientific personnel. Applicant of the department Kudratov R.K. he defended his thesis, and associate professors Karomatolloev R.S., Abdualimov A.A., Rakhimov U.A., Sharofov P.U., Bobozoda Sh.K. working on the preparation of doctoral theses.

Teachers of the department, to improve the quality of education, have released a number of textbooks and guidelines, including a course of lectures on the subjects: "Agricultural Economics", "Agricultural markets" (by U.Sh. Sharofov), "Tajikistan's economic geography with basic demography" (Sharofov U., Azamova Z.), over 60 textbooks, 20 scientific books, 8 monographs. The teachers of the department have made an irreplaceable and worthy contribution to the training of highly qualified personnel of the agro-industrial complex.

The current staff of the department:

The teachers of the department are in the subjects “Economic Geography of Tajikistan with the Basics of Demography”, “World Economy”, “Agricultural Markets”, “International Economic Relations”, “State Regulation of the Economy”, “International Commerce”, “Economics of Rural Development” and “Economics of Trade” teach in all faculties of the Tajik Agrarian University.

They conduct theoretical, practical classes for students for all specialties of full-time, distance and distance education.

Along with the pedagogical activity, the teachers of the department conduct educational work with students, striving to improve moral, cultural, ideological and patriotic qualities.

The educational work of the department is carried out on the basis of the National Concept of Education in the Republic of Tajikistan, in accordance with the methodological guidelines of the Founder of Peace and National Unity, the Leader of the Nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, dear Emomali Rahmon, and the plan of activities for educational work of TAU.

In accordance with university requirements, and with the support of university management, a short course of lectures has been published, the electronic version of which is available in the university’s electronic library.

Teachers of the department conduct classes at a high professional level, and strive to ensure that students own new parameters of a market economy, depending on the subject being studied.

Research work

The department conducts research work on topical issues of the agrarian economy. The general theme of the research work of the department: " Industrialization of agriculture – a factor in the sustainable development of rural areas", under the guidance of the head of the department, Candidate of Economics Sciences Ismoilov I.M.

In the process of solving these problems, the teachers of the department pay special attention to the growth of the agricultural monotype, institutional changes in agriculture, feed production efficiency, the labor market, the use of production resources, the growth of leasing relations, and more.

The result of scientific work of teachers of the department used in various branches of agriculture.

Professor Sharofov U. published more than 200 scientific and methodological works, including 4 monographs, 4 textbooks and 40 brochures.

Associate Professor Mirzoev B. issued more than 160 scientific and methodological works, including 3 monographs and 2 textbooks.

Associate Professor Karomatuloeva R.S. published 50 scientific articles.

Associate Professor Bobozoda Sh. published more than 70 scientific articles.

Candidate of Economics Sciences Ismoilov I.M. published more than 30 scientific articles.

Candidate of Economics Sciences Rahimov S.D. published more than 25 scientific articles.

The contribution of teachers of the department in the preparation of scientific teaching staff is very large. Experienced teachers of the department are heads of graduate research papers, master’s theses and opponents of master’s and doctoral theses.
Methodical work.