Department of Information Technology in agriculture
MALIKOV Inom Alimkulovich,
head of the Department of Information Technology in the Agricultural Sector, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor
As an independent, department "Informatics" was founded in 1995, and since 2003 it was renamed the department "Information technologies in the agro-industrial complex". The first head of the department was the Honored Worker of the Republics of Tajikistan, Professor A. Madaminov. In 1995 - 1999, the department was headed by N. Jamoliddinov, Candidate of Economic Sciences. From November 1999 to May 2001, Kurubonov K.Y. and from September 2001 till December 2004, department was headed by Docent Mirzoyev B. From December 2004 to June 2015, Associate Professor Kurbonov K.Y. worked as head of the department. From June 2015 to the present, the department is headed by the docent of Malikov I.A.
Currently, in department are working the following staffs Mamadkulov M., Badalova BA, Barotov DA, Egamov S.Kh., Musoev R., Raabov Z., Kholova MA, Karamova M., Yusupov F., Akhmedova G. Yulchibekzoda M., and Kuchumov.
The department conducts research work on the topic "" State regulation and improvement of financial sustainability in enterprises of the agro-industrial complex "The results of the research work of teachers of the department are published 70 articles.
In addition, the department conducts research work, the results of which were proposals for production. According to the results of scientific works were published: a monograph, a book and methodological manuals.