Food Quality And Safety

Minhojov Sab


MINKHODZHOV Sabriddin Nasriddinovich
head of the "Food quality and safety"  Chair

Currently, the issue of food quality and safety is one of the global issues in the world, it is an important complex problem that requires the diligent efforts and efforts of scientists in the field of chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology, toxicology and other sciences, including from food manufacturers, as well as the sanitary and epidemiological service, and government agencies.  There is no doubt that consumers themselves should be active in solving this problem. Every year, more attention is paid to issues related to the quality and safety of food products, since food safety is one of the main ways to determine the health of the population and maintain a healthy gene pool of the nation.

The Department of food quality and safety was established on the basis of the Department of technology of storage and processing of agricultural products of the faculty of agribusiness, by the decision of the Council of scientists of the TAU named after Sh. Shotemur on 30.08.2019. Since september 2022, the head of the Department is candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor Minhojov S.N. Teachers of the Department give lectures, conduct practical and laboratory classes, mainly in specialized subjects for specialties: 19030205-technology of quality assurance and food safety; 54010106-Metrology, standardization and certification in agriculture. Currently, the Department conducts teaching activities: Professor Bobokhonov R.S.; associate professor Nematulloev Z.S., Minhojov S.N.; teachers Yatimov F.J., Soliev H.R., Sattorov F.A., Rahmatulloev U.N. and Naimov J.

The Department has a high scientific potential. The Department has one doctor of agricultural sciences, professor, two candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor, one senior teacher, four assistants.

The Department was created according to the conditions of modern times. Teachers of the Department strive to perform scientific work in accordance with the requirements of social development.  The Department works closely with The Agency of metrology, standardization, certification and trade control under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, the food security Committee under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, the country's manufacturing enterprises, regional centers for quality research, and research institutes.


Teachers of the Department have developed new training programs that meet the requirements of modern society, according to new curricula and educational standards of higher educational institutions of the Republic.  Teachers of the Department on the basis of new training programs conduct theoretical and practical classes on the discipline of food safety and the HACCP system of standards.

According to the curriculum, the Department has prepared examination test questionnaires, a list of topics for independent work of students, a list of research topics for students' presentations at student conferences, questionnaires and test sheets for certification of students and monitoring the quality of their knowledge in the Department's subjects.  Teachers of the Department have prepared and published guidelines for the implementation of term work, and graduation work, occupational practical  (in Tajik).


At the Department of food quality and safety, much attention is paid to the training of scientific personnel. Currently, 2 teachers: Yatimov F.J., Sattorov F.A. are doctoral students and perform research under the guidance of Professor Salimzoda  A.F., the defense of scientific research which will take place in the near future. At the same time, 3 people are enrolled in the doctoral program and 3 people in the master's department at the base of the department.


During the entire academic year, during curatorial hours, teachers of the Department of food safety and quality conduct conversations with students on various topics: attendance, compliance with the rules for a TAU student, loyalty and compliance with the student's oath, issues of discipline and etiquette of clothing, education of patriotism and love for the Motherland; respect for elders, respect for the property and equipment of the University, environmental protection, compliance with the rules of conduct at the University and on the streets of the city, respect for teachers and each other, active participation in city and University events, and more.

The educational process occupies an important place in the activities of the Department. teachers of the Department Nematulloev Z.S., Soliev H.R. and Sattorov F.A. are curators of academic groups. The curatorial hours deal with and discuss many issues related to the education of students