Department of Marketing and Agribusiness
Gulomov Khurshed Halimovich,
head of department Marketing and Agribusiness, candidate of economic science, docent
The department was formed in 1991 on the basis of the department "Soviet law and the organization of management of the agroindustrial complex", the department was in charge until November 1991, and Bobojonov N.B. was assigned to the doctor of jurisprudence.
From November 1991 to May 2000, the department was headed by candidate of economic science Madaminov AA, after from 2000 to 2003 - this duty was performed by candidate of economic science, Akramov Sh.A. , after him, until 2005, headed the department of candidate of economic science, Bohirova Kh.S.
From 2005 to the present, the department is heading by «Excellence in Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan» candidate of economic science, docent Shukurov Komil Ibragimovich. Currently, the department conducts scientific and pedagogical activities, associate professors: Shukurov K.I., Akramov Sh.A., Gulomov Kh.Kh., assistants - Tosheva G.K., Rakhmatzoda M.M., Kurbonova F., Akhmedov D., and also senior laboratory assistant Akramova Sh.
On the initiative of the department at the faculty of agribusiness since 2001, the specialties “Marketing Specialist in the Agrarian Industry”, “Farmer-Manager” were introduced. Thanks to the support of the Rector of TAU, Prof. Salimzoda A.F. in 2017, on the basis of the department organized and operates the Center for Logistics.
Along with educational work, teachers of the department are engaged in scientific research. Actual problems of development of the market economy of the republic are in the center of attention of the research work of teachers of the department. Teachers conduct research work on the problems of market and production relations in modern economic conditions. The results of scientific works are summarized in four monographs, more than 30 books and 200 scientific articles. The research topic of the department is “Product quality management, in the process of storage, processing and sale of products in accordance with the needs of the population of the Republic of Tajikistan”.
The department maintains a close scientific relationship with the Academy of Agricultural Sciences named after Timiryazev in Moscow; Scientific Institute of Economics and Agriculture at the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; Tashkent State Agrarian University; TNU; Academy of Agricultural Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan; Legal Academy of Russia, Scientific Academy of Economics of the Republic of Tajikistan; Moscow State University named after Lomonosov, as well as the Ministry of Agriculture, the corporation "Hurokvori" of the Association of Agribusiness RT; commercial banks in Dushanbe.