Faculty of Agronomy

Ruzimurod B

Boymurodov Ruzimurod Bobokalonovich
dean of  Agronomy Faculty, candidate of Agricultural Sciences

 Agronomy faculty is the oldest in TAU named after Shirinsho Shotemur, and all its history is inextricably linked with the history of the University. The idea of establishment of higher agricultural education in Tajik Republic was implemented in 1934.The following years the Department was headed by Professor Mesheryakov A. M. (1945-1948), nowadays Dean of the faculty is Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Boymurodov R.B.

Faculty of agronomy has released more 9700 highly qualified specialists in agronomy industry. Among them, 2200 graduated from the correspondence Department and 7500 full-time Department. The learning process of students of the faculty of agronomy inextricably linked to scientific work.

In faculty on the base of 6 specialties: 740201-Agronomy,   740202- Breeding and genetics of agricultural crops,  740205- Agro chemistry and soil science,  330106- Agricultural ecology,  740201-2601-Agronomy-management, 74020101-pastures.

Currently, the Faculty consists of 6 departments, Employs 65 staff:

3 of them are members of the Academy Sciences of Agriculture, 17 professors, 22 candidates of Sciences, associate professors, 10 senior lecturers, 16 assistants.

Nowadays the faculty trains 646 full-time students and also 325 students at the correspondence Department. The specialties are - General agronomist, Agro ecology, agrarian chemistry soil science, and plant breeding seed. Today preparing good professionals includes a set of necessary knowledge and practical skills in the global development trends. Therefore, the Department has embarked on internationalization of education, to training, to meet the requirements of world standards.

The Faculty has modern laboratories of quality seeds, Phytopathology, chemistry, chemistry labs, which are at the basis of the educational sector of TAU.  The direction of Agro chemistry and soil science pushed to the opening of the Department of Chemical agronomy and soil science", it gave an opportunity for professionals to work in this direction. To increase fodder production and intensive agriculture at the agronomy faculty was opened the Department of Crop production" and» Fodder Production".

In the field of plant breeding and genetics agricultural fodder production Department was formed, "Cotton breeding, genetics, plant breeding and seed production". Teachers are successfully working in this direction and make a huge contribution to production agriculture, especially in the field of plant breeding and seed production.
The direction of Agro ecology contributed to the opening of the Department "Botany and Agro ecology agriculture", it gave a great perspective in the training of professional specialists in this area. For solving problems of training specialists at the modern level, special attention has been paid to the introduction of new methods of teaching, improving the efficiency and independence of students ' work.

Nowadays there are 6 (six) specialties in the faculty:

 740202- Breeding and genetics of agricultural crops,
 740205- Agro chemistry and soil science,
 330106- Agricultural ecology,