Land management faculty
Saidmurodzod Jovid Jabbori,
Dean of Land management faculty, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor
Faculty of Land Management and Geodesy was established by the decision of the Scientists Council of the Tajik agrarian University named after Shirinsho Shohtemur and the order of the rector of university No. 44 of 14.08.2019, in agreement with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan No. 03/1-1233, Ministry of Agriculture of Republic of Tajikistan No. 1 /6-2038 in the university. From 2019 to 2022 the dean of faculty was Dr.Mirzoev M.M. At time dean of the faculty is Saidmuradzod Javid Jabbari. Today, according to the requirements of modern times, the faculty prepares specialists and masters in the following specialties:
- • 1-560101-Land management
- • 1-560102-Land Cadastre
- • 1-560201-Geodesy
- • 1-31020103-Geography (geoinformation systems)
After gaining the independence of the state, the issue of training personnel in various fields, especially land development and geodesy, was raised. Starting from 1993 at the faculty of hydromelioration of Tajik agrarian University the students admission of with the specialty "Land regulation" began on 31.09.00.
In 1996, based on the decision of the Scientists Council of University, the Department of Land management was established from the Department of Hydromelioration Systems, in which teachers, associate professor A.G. Gulomjonov, senior teacher Oev O.T., Saidov K.T., Kadirova Z. .A., Kurbanov T.M., assistant teacher Hasanov A.A. and assistant Pirov B.A. started to work.
The first head of the department, associate professor A.G. Gulomjonov. 1996-1999, 2003-2008, senior teacher Oev O.T. 1999-2003 and n.i.i. associate professor Hasanov A.A. since 2008, he has been the head of the department. The department has a strong modern base and consists of 4 technical classrooms equipped with modern equipment. In 1998, the first specialists were sent to work and until now more than 1200 graduates have completed the diploma project and received the education of a land engineer.
Since 2008, a geodesy specialty was opened on the basis of the Department of Land management and in 2012 the first specialists were involved in the production and made a significant contribution to the activity of the field. In September 2015, the Department of Geodesy and Geoinformatics was established as a specialized department, headed by Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor A.A. Akramov. until January 2019. From January 2019 to August 2021, the head of this department was Saidmuradzoda J.J. In September 2021, the head of the department will be headed by Sherov D.D. and currently works as an executive.
The faculty has close cooperation with the prestigious universities of America, Europe and Asia in the field of science, innovation and technology. The geodesy specialty was established in cooperation with the Swedish University of Technology. Geography and geoinformation systems (GIS) and geoinformatics master's degree were established on the basis of Erasmus+ projects with the prestigious European universities of the Austrian state and the University of Western Hungary, where students and masters are studying.
Currently, the faculty has 3 specialized departments.
- 1. Department of land management and cadastre
- 2. Department of geodesy and geoinformatics
- 3. Department of Physics
Department of Land management and cadastre
It is a specialized department and prepares specialists in the field of land development and cadastre. The department has experienced teachers who have also worked in production. Specialists in the field of land engineering are currently working in the State Committee for Land Management and Geodesy, Committee for Land Management of Regions and Districts, cartography workshop, and design institutes. Graduates of this department work in production and occupy their professional positions from ordinary workers to the chairman of the State Land Management Committee of the Republic of Tajikistan, regions and districts. In the last 10 years, the department has trained more than 500 specialists in the form of full-time education and 250 part-time specialists and directed them to production. Head of the department Dr/ associate professor Hasanov, experienced teachers K.T. Saidov, T. Kurbanov, N. Aliyev, M. Muradov. and assistants of the department Kadirov R., Rofizoda S., Saidov B. teach students. At the same time the department operates a master's and doctoral program (PhD), which students study every year. The staff of the department is currently conducting scientific research on the topic "Effective use of arable land and its protection in new agricultural conditions".
Department of geodesy and geoinformatics
In the beginning, it was established under the name of the Department of Geodesy, and then it was renamed to the Department of Geodesy and Geoinformatics according to the requirements of modern times. The department of geodesy and geoinformatics is specialized and prepares engineers, geodesists and geographers with geoinformation systems in the form of full-time and part-time studies. Specialists in engineering geodesy and geography with geo-information systems are needed in production at all times, they work in state real estate registration enterprises, constructions, city, district and regional land management committees, research institutes and ext. Associate Professor A. Akramov, associate professor Mirzoev M.M., senior teachers Kadirova Z.A., Turaev A., Safarov H., Goibov B.I., assistants Sherov D., Abdullobekov B.S., Kadirov B., Mirzoeva B., Davlyatova Sh. N. and S.I. Abdullaev teach students. Currently, the head of the department is Sherov D.D. undertakes. The department can perform geodetic works in the form of topographical photography of the area, orthorectification of space and space photographs, and measurement of state geodetic networks by contract.
Department of Physics
The physics department was established in 1931, and it is one of the oldest departments of the university. Currently, the head of the department is Rahimov S.M.
The faculty and staff of the department: associate professor: Faizulloev Z. Anakulov M.M., Kholov R. senior teacher, Nazarov A., assistants: Khurramshoeva F., Rozikova M., Rahimov S. and Olimov S.
In addition to the Faculty of economics, teachers of the department conduct practical and theoretical classes in all faculties of the university in full-time and part-time departments in the following subjects: general physics, physics with the basics of biophysics, agrometeorology, meteorology and climatology, the basics of hydrophysics and earth physics.
The teachers of the department are conducting scientific-research works based on the topic of the approved scientific-research work "Heat conductivity, electrical conductivity and rheology of lyotropic and thermotropic crystalline liquids" and are publishing reports and scientific articles according to the approved plans. Every year, the teachers of the department participate in national scientific conferences, inside and outside the university, and present the results of their scientific achievements.