Education department
Educational and methodical work at the university is carried out by the educational part through the planning, organization, monitoring, coordination of educational activities and quality control.
The activities of the educational part are based on the national and internationally recognized normative legal acts in the field of higher education, which reflects all the content of the quality of education.
In the structure of the education part there is a Methodological Council, the Department of Education and Quality Monitoring, the Department of Education and Training, the Department of Internships and Work with Young Professionals, the Registration and Consultation Center, the Department of Education Quality Management and the Analytical and Information Department.
The process of full-time education in the bachelor's degree (4 years), specialist (5 years), master's degree (2 years) and PhD (3 years) in the specialty is carried out in accordance with the credit system of education. In distance or distance learning, students are enrolled in distance learning (4 years), studying for a second higher education (3 years).
The educational part focuses on planning, organizing, monitoring, coordinating educational activities and quality control of education in accordance with the minimum requirements of the state educational standards of higher education of the Republic of Tajikistan in the specialties of the university.
Identification of key areas for improving efficiency, development of classifications of lists of specialties, development of draft curricula, schedules of the educational process, reporting on the results of test sessions and graduation certification, development of recommendations for finding new teaching methods, improving teaching quality Credit and distance education, coordination of the activities of specialized departments and the management of faculties for the organization and conduct of educational, production and undergraduate internships are the priorities of the educational part.
The Methodological Council, headed by the Vice-Rector for Education, as a large scientific and pedagogical club brings together young and experienced teachers and scientists, and regularly discusses the educational process and its quality and effectiveness with the methodological support of the teaching process. Curricula (syllabi), teaching aids and university textbooks will be published after consideration and recommendation of the Council.
In the framework of the decisions adopted by the Methodological Council and the requirements of the new regulations, the educational part of the project several times in recent years the project "Minimum requirements for the content of the State Standard of Higher Education of the Republic of Tajikistan", full-time, distance learning, second higher professional, developed curricula for bachelor's, specialist's, master's and doctoral PhD degrees in the specialty, which were approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan.
Improvement of the material and technical base of this database can be considered as one of the indicators of the university's progress.
The university began its activities in 1931 in Khujand with one educational building, and today education is carried out in 13 educational buildings. Gradual provision of the material and technical base has contributed to an increase in the number of specialties, departments and faculties. In the 30s of the XX century, at the beginning of the establishment of the university, there was a shortage of specialists from other universities in the Soviet Union. If in the academic year 1931-1937 in 19 departments of the university 32 full-time teachers (2 teachers, candidates and associate professors) worked to teach students in 4 specialties, then in the academic year 2020-2021 this figure increased to 51 in the existing departments. 450 full-time teachers, including 7 academicians of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan, 3 associate members of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan and 3 associate members of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan, 47 doctors of sciences, 57 professors, 151 candidates of sciences.
The administration of the university takes all necessary measures to implement the decisions of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, state programs to provide the country's agro-industrial complex with modern high-level specialists, including if before 1991 the university trained only 10 specialties, in 1992-2001 It includes 10 new specialties (electrification and automation of agriculture, construction of hydraulic structures, selection and genetics of agricultural crops, land management, organization of farms (dehkan), mechanization of agricultural processing, technology of storage and processing of fruits and vegetables, marketing in the agricultural sector. production, processing and storage of agricultural products (livestock), during 2002-2010 11 new specialties (finance and credit (CC)), management in the agricultural sector, cocoons, agro ecology, integrated use and protection of water resources, beekeeping, veterinary fisheries, poultry, meadow construction, geodesy was opened in accordance with the requirements of the agro-industrial complex and began to train specialists in line with the labor market.
The Founder of Peace and National Unity, Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon in his speech on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the University (08.10.2011) stated: “The role of the Agrarian University of Tajikistan named after Sh. Shotemur is growing more and more, because it is one of the most important components of the country's agrarian policy and should focus its intellectual potential in this direction as much as possible. At the same time, it was instructed that as an experiment in this university, in accordance with the current requirements of agricultural production, it is necessary to introduce integrated specialties. In order to implement this instruction, the university administration has introduced 7 integrated specialties (agronomy-management, horticulture-economy, zoo technology-management, mechanical engineering-management, land management-management, veterinary-pharmaceutical medicine, technology of storage and processing of agricultural products-economics). After graduation, the specialists of these specialties will have two professions. In 2015, the university, taking into account the requirements of modern agricultural production, 5 new bachelor's specialties (geography of geoinformation systems, technology of food quality and safety, metrology, standardization and certification (in agro-industrial complex), trade in agro-industrial complex, organization and service technology ) and 2 international master's programs (geography (geoinformation systems), technology to ensure the quality and safety of food products) for educational activities. Based on the requirements of the labor market and the needs of the country's agro-industrial complex in the 2020-2021 academic year, the university to prepare 7 more new specialties (land cadastre, agricultural statistics, dendrology, logistics in AIC, technology and organization of tourism services (agrotourism), rabbit breeding and entomology Today, a total of 53 specialties at the bachelor's level are aimed at training specialists.
In April 2017, the university passed the next state certification by the State Service for Supervision in Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan (now the Agency for Supervision in Education and Science under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan). 28.04.2017, №5 / 7) and the order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan (from 05.05.2017, №1586) holder of a "License" to conduct educational activities (AU №0002271) until 05.05.2022 (from 05.05.2017, №2875). According to the appendix to this License the university has 53 bachelor's specialties (7 new specialties for the academic year 2021-2022–1-560102-Land Cadastre, 1-25010501-Statistics in CAS, 1-75020103-Dendrology, 1-75020324-Logistics in CAS, 1-430302-Technology and organization of tourist services (agrotourism), 1-74030108-Rabbit breeding and 1-74020301 Entomology) 35 master's specialties (2 new specialties - 74020101-Meadow farming (pasture) and 1-75010101-Forestry and forestry, 27) PhD, 13 doctoral specialties, 17 short-term professional training courses and 2 short-term retraining courses (professional development of teachers, staff and HR staff) were allowed. Admission to 7 new bachelor's specialties has started from the academic year 2021-2022. During the 30 years of state independence, the list of specialties of the university has grown from 10 to 53.
Based on the order of the Minister of Education of the Republic of Tajikistan № 923 from 04.07.2007 "On the transition of higher education institutions to a single global educational space" and the decision of the Academic Council of the University (№1, 28.09.2007) 25010715 (0620) - "CAS Management" has been fully transferred to the Credit System of Education (CSE). For the gradual transition to this system, the faculties have prepared subject work programs (syllabuses) related to the semester subjects. According to the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan №254, dated 29.04.2009 "On approval of the State Program of Education Development of Tajikistan for 2010-2015" and the order of the Minister of Education of the Republic of Tajikistan №923, from 04.07.2007 In the 2011-2012 academic year, taking into account the material and technical base of the university and the national identity of students, the university has introduced a system of special credit education for all specialties of the university. At present, all full-time and part-time courses are taught entirely on credit.
Annually, training courses for teachers on the implementation of the credit system, distance education, the use of modern technology in distance education, the introduction of information technology and electronic whiteboard, Tajik, Russian and English spelling, regulation of documentation and mastering legal. Only during the winter holidays of students in the 2020-2021 academic year, according to the instructions and plans approved by the rector of the university, training and retraining courses in the field of "Using electronic journals", "Using modern technology in the credit system", "Using technology" “Modern documents in distance education”, “Legal acts, their observance and implementation in the process of documentation and application”, “Use of modern technologies in the educational process”, “New methods of conducting lectures, practical and CMR”, “Improving the process of distance learning, ready and placement of educational materials on the distance learning site ”and“ Professional development by professions ”. We are confident that this series of trainings will contribute to the implementation of the credit system of education, the system of distance education, improving the quality of education and student learning at the university.
Today, 13 educational buildings, 220 classrooms, 69 educational and scientific laboratories, 18 scientific and educational laboratories, 13 computer centers, 3 Internet centers and 2 educational and experimental farms of Hisor district and Yovan is served. Also, a large number of technical and information tools were used to promote the educational process. Currently, 886 computers, 176 printers, 69 large TVs, 48 projectors, 27 electronic whiteboards, 300 Internet access points and other technical aids are used in the educational process.
At the same time, it should be noted that in order to implement the e-Government Program of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan at the beginning of the 2020-2021 academic year to further strengthen the educational process, the introduction of innovative educational processes, especially to eliminate negative attitudes Intermediate tests and regular monitoring of attendance and the level of homework of students at the university was organized through the "Unified Program for the management of the educational process", which requires students to be exempted from distance tests and receive daily scores from the survey of attendance and attendance. the rating is summarized.
Also in 2021 the number of Internet points was increased to 300, and now the university administration with all subdivisions, including departments of education, science and innovation, culture and education, international relations, Center for Advanced Training of AIC staff, economics, departments, divisions. , centers and departments, heads of faculties and heads of departments are connected to the Internet and office work is carried out electronically.
The administration of the university is constantly striving to strengthen the educational base and to establish and equip scientific and educational laboratories with modern equipment. Only in the academic year 2020-2021 in the university was built a new scientific laboratory of the agricultural complex on the basis of KVTT "Gissar" in Gissar, which is an important basis for practical training of students.
Education at the university is conducted in the full-time and correspondence departments, in Tajik and Russian languages. Depending on the needs of the country's agriculture and government orders, the number of students has increased, and new specialties and specialties have been opened that meet the needs of the labor market. The increase in the number of students can be selectively expressed as follows: in the academic year 1931-1932 336 people (including the working faculty) and in the academic year 2020-2021 11663 people, of which 8435 were contract workers, 3228 were budget students. Of these, 694 girls and 304 foreigners are enrolled at all levels of education. In the same academic year, 224 masters were trained at the master's level and 45 PhDs at the doctoral level.
The educational process in the full-time department is carried out according to 3 curricula. A curriculum is being implemented for students in grades 4-5, a new curriculum for courses 2-3, with one credit equal to 24 hours, and a new type of curriculum for first-year students starting in the 2021-2022 academic year. There are also distance learning students by 2 curricula: courses 2-4 by distance learning with one curriculum, course 1 by a new type of curriculum starting from the 2021-2022 academic year, as well as recipients of second higher education. They study according to 2 curricula according to distance learning. Also, according to one curriculum, master's and doctoral programs are included in the credit system.
In today's conditions, a specialist in agriculture should be aware of modern technology and be able to conduct agronomic and economic analysis and planning of his field as a qualified manager of rented farms. In this regard, the status of internships, especially internships, is of great importance for the consolidation and improvement of students' practical and theoretical knowledge, management and sustainable organization of production in a typical economy.
The Gissar TVET School in Gissar is ready to accept a certain number of students majoring in agronomy, horticulture, veterinary medicine, veterinary medicine, engineering and economics. On the territory of this farm there is a training center of the university with a capacity of 100 students at a time and the necessary equipment, classrooms, laboratories (soil science, ichthyology, agricultural complex), fish ponds and experimental plots. At the base of the educational and experimental farm "Gissar" several laboratories and dairy farm of KVTT "Gissar" were used for internships for students of zoo technical and veterinary faculties, laboratories and classrooms, which provide the opportunity to train at a high level of experience and technology. provide.
It is important to conclude bilateral agreements with leading farms and institutions of the country for a high level of practical training. Today, under these agreements, the university can provide more than 2,000 people with internships at a time. In recent years, significant work has been done in this direction by the education department, heads of faculties, heads of individual departments. If in 2008-2010 the number of concluded contracts was only 150-180, today the number of these agreements has reached more than 300. In order to implement the theoretical knowledge acquired by students and the quality of practical training, 54 branches of departments have been established at enterprises, organizations and research institutions on the basis of bilateral agreements.
At the same time, in accordance with the concluded agreements and through the implementation of projects with educational programs and educational institutions annually 50-70 teachers, graduate students and 40-50 university students have the opportunity to travel to countries of Europe and Asia, study, improve their skills. , to get acquainted with modern methods of education, the use of new technologies and equipment in scientific research, the multi-level system of education, to use it in their scientific and pedagogical activities and to teach others.
At present, students, masters and doctors in the process of teaching the lessons of experienced teachers Mahmadyorzoda UM, Salimzoda AF, Mirzoev DM, Ahmadov HM, Nabiev TN, Gulov SM. , Sardorov MN, Sharipov ZR, Nimadjonova KN, Madaminov AA, Ahmadov BR, Muhiddinov SM, Norov MS, Idrisov TC, Ismoilov MI, Pirizoda JS, Rajabov FM, Safarov HS, Ruziev TB, Kadyrov KG, Ikromov II, Toshpulotov MM, Kakhorov K. H., each of which has a large scientific and pedagogical school. The results of the efforts and scientific and methodological innovations of teachers have a positive impact on the level of knowledge of students and gradually improve the quality of education.
Students write their graduation and master's theses under the guidance of experienced teachers and defend them in the presence of the Graduation Attestation Commission.
It has been proved that in modern times the economic development of any country depends on the level of activity and the level of training in higher education.
The Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, using all opportunities to ensure the progress of science and education as a priority area of social policy, attaches great importance to the development of technical and natural sciences. In particular, the Internet is taking all necessary measures in the education system, ensuring the effectiveness of teachers and improving their pedagogical skills. With this in mind, the administration of the Tajik Agrarian University named after Sh.
One of the ways to attract young people to study in higher education institutions is to accept talented girls and boys from remote villages of the country according to the quota of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan. This method of admitting girls to popular university specialties has been in place since 1997 and is still in force.
There are 269 students studying at the university under the Presidential quota, 46 of them are girls. Among girls and boys studying under the Presidential quota, there are those who have participated in national Olympiads and competitions and won honorable places.
In different years the teachers Meshcheryakov AM, (1952-1954), Gorbunov A. I. (1954-1959) Qosimov J. K. (09.1960-05.1973), Eshonov I. (06.1973-11.1975, 10.1982-11.1986), Madaminov AA (12.1973-09.1989), Rizoev A. B. (12.1986-08.1995), Nimadjonova KN (1995-1999), Sardorov M. Н. (1999-2002), Gulov S. М. (05.2002-01.2009), Salimzoda A. F. (01.2009-12.2013), Mahmadyorzoda U.M (12.2013 -02.2019) served as Deputy Rector for Education. Currently, this task is assigned to Bobozoda Sh.K.